‘We could do that.’ It is a simple phrase that always sparks an exciting adventure in Haus Anima. Last year, after attending the Solstice Parade and watching incredibly painted cyclists, bellowing bands, and incredible floats; Someone said, ‘yeah, we could do that.’ And after a few iterations of what that could look like Kalesta and Kelley took the lead and came up with DeComposers.
DeComposers are the alchemists of the undergrowth, quietly and efficiently transforming dead matter into new life. What better way to celebrate the Solstice than to shine a light on these important creatures?
The idea was for a Paper mache and fiberglass log to be carried like a coffin through the parade by a group of ‘DeComposers’ aka Organisms that help in the decomposition process playing instruments. We would encourage kids from the audience to run through the log with instrument as well

We spent several weekends creating the log float in our backyard. We were working with fiberglass and resin for the first time and used techniques that we hadn’t tried before with mixed success.

Then we added paper mache and spray foam for texture.

Painting came next and we were immediately delighted at the outcome.
We spent the next several weeks working on our DeComposer costumes: Mushrooms, Beetles, bacteria, isopods, a Beatle, a composer, and a Snail were all made out of recycled material. As always, working with the Fremont Art Council was a delight and the Powerhouse was full of useful items to repurpose to create our costumes.

DeComposers was a hit at the parade. Kids of all ages enjoyed joining the parade to run through the log. It was incredible to watch our art making people smile and laugh and truly add to their parade experience.
We were so happy with how DeComposers turned out, and we’re grateful to the Fremont Art Council for giving us the opportunity to share our work with the community.
We’re already planning our next float for the 2024 Fremont Solstice Parade, we are excited to see what we can create next!