BitF 2023

Fresh off Critical Haus Anima loaded up another trailer and headed North. Destination: Canada.

Having never been to Burn in the Forest (BitF) we did know what to expect. Getting to the event proved to be an entire adventure of its own; last minute reservations, incredulous border agents (“You don’t sell your art?”), and Ribbit’s bag riding for an hour on top of the car!

Once we got to the event and found our updated location we felt more at home. Art was going up all around us, our neighbors were stopping by and saying hi, and in the distance the bass thum had already started.

200 Hades setup 201 Dream willow setup

After a long Wednesday almost everything was set up and we were starting to enjoy a new event.

210 Crow labyrinth 220 Lavender Lemonade

During the day we set out lavender lemonade and an overflowing basket of flow toys, juggling balls, and silk fans. We enjoyed watching friends play and experiment. At night our space had an otherworldly glow.

230 Camp at Night
240 K with camp 241 R with campd 242 Z with camp

Wind! Rain! Thunder! Oh My! Everyone huddled in our kitchen waiting out the inclement weather.

260 K wet 260 Z wet 260 R wet

But the rain dried up quickly in the Friday heat and we found ourselves underprepared for the never-ending sun. We fashioned some portable shade and learned to love lounging at the river.

270 river 271 river

BitF had some wonderful art. The Love Bus- a giant ballpit inside a school bus- was a fun surprise.

300 Ballbit K 300 Ballbit R 300 Ballbit Z

The BIG SOUND camps were amazing! With the large venue they were spaced so that each camp had a big dance floor letting us spin poi and enjoy the music at the volume we enjoy. The sound camps were packed from noon to 5am every day. They were so popular that we never got photos without people in them (or permission to post).

310 new art 311 new art

BitF was in Merritt, BC, Canada: high desert. It was a pleasant surprise to see locust, chipmunks, sagebrush, and quaking aspens.

315 high dessert

In addition to new art forms we enjoyed some of our favorites: Lyra, Poi, and Prom!

320 Z lyra 321 Z lyra 322 Z lyra
Kalesta Poi
Haus Anima Prom Seth got asked to Corn Camp Prom Seth at Corn Camp Prom

There’s always time to do a little extra art at the event. Ribbit added a shooting star to our Neighbor’s Stardust Saloon sign.

400 Little extra art

This is our fourth event with a trailer and we’re getting better each time! We managed to tear-down and load up before noon and avoid most of the heat!

500 Teardown 501 Packed

Thank you BitF, Tomo, Monica, Craig, and everyone in GVIAS who made this event happen!