Special Report! Haus Anima PixelArt Game Collaboration! Read all about it!
While browsing r/PixelArt Loren discovered the subreddit was creating a community collaborative game project. u/skeddles spent several months writing the code, building a website, and cheerleading a top-down puzzle game. Various artists submitted pixel art for several unique levels.
Loren spent a week designing a pixel art level for the project.

Lily Pad Temple features a pond with giant lily pads, a wise owl in a tree, an orange cat who can only be appeased by bringing it a collectable fish, dangerous fireflowers, koi ponds, and more.
Lilac was pulled in to produce some accompanying music. By Moon’s Light features a tawny owl’s call and soft pond noises over a dark ambient track inspired by the sounds of old console games.
Inspired by the soundtrack Loren spent another day immersed in Lilac’s sound, polishing the level: improving the collectables, refining the owl, and subtly adding variance.

You can enjoy the game here at https://collective-work.netlify.app/
And read more about its development on /r/PixelArt Game Collaboration | PART 6 - Complete!